Creative Genius Toolkit

This practical toolkit includes 10 of our most effective tools to help you generate original ideas and solve problems. Also included is our Creative Genius Guide, which explains how to use the tools and includes a variety of examples and real world scenarios.


Our Creative Genius Toolkit is designed to equip you with the essential tools needed to foster innovation, generate fresh ideas, and solve problems effectively. This toolkit includes ten proven creative thinking techniques that will transform the way you approach challenges, making it easier to break through mental blocks and discover new opportunities.

The toolkit features techniques like Beginner’s Mind, which encourages approaching problems with a fresh perspective, and First Principles, a method for breaking down complex issues into their fundamental elements. Each tool is crafted to stimulate different aspects of creativity, from generating transformative concepts with Big Idea to fast iteration with Half-Baked Ideas.

This Toolkit is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their ideation processes and achieve breakthrough results. Used in workshops these tools empower teams to think differently, harness their collective intelligence, and drive meaningful innovation in their projects. Download the toolkit today and unlock your creative potential!

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£ 45.00 GBP
Yours forever
£ 45.00 GBP
£ 45.00 GBP
Select the number of team members you would like to include in your assessment. We currently accept a minimum of 5 team members, and a maximum of 30.

What's Included

What to expect when you purchase this product
PDF Guide

PDF Guide

Our PDF implementation guide provides comprehensive step-by-step instructions. Everything is clearly presented and explained, so you can run the process yourself with confidence.
Practical Tools

Practical Tools

The toolkit comes with several easy-to-use tools to guide you and your team. These step-by-step frameworks take participants through a process to help surface ideas, identify patterns, make connections and draw conclusions. We'll outline how to use each tool with clear, concise instructions.

In Depth

This toolkit includes the following tools:

1. Beginner’s Mind: Approaching problems with a fresh perspective as if encountering them for the first time, free from preconceptions.

2. Big Idea: Focusing on generating transformative, large-scale concepts that have the potential to significantly impact a project or challenge.

3. Constraints: Using limitations and boundaries as a catalyst for creativity by challenging conventional thinking and encouraging innovative solutions.

4. Details: Paying close attention to the small elements of a problem or solution to uncover insights and opportunities for improvement.

5. Easy High Impact: Identifying and prioritising ideas that are simple to implement yet offer substantial benefits or results.

6. First Principles: Breaking down complex problems into their most basic elements to understand the fundamental truths and build innovative solutions from the ground up.

7. Half-Baked Ideas: Sharing and developing incomplete or rough ideas collaboratively to refine and evolve them into fully formed concepts.

8. Idea Collisions: Combining disparate ideas or concepts to generate novel solutions through the intersection of different perspectives and fields.

9. SCAMPER: A structured brainstorming technique that uses seven prompts (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Reverse) to explore and develop ideas.

10. T-Shape: Leveraging deep expertise in one area (the vertical bar) while also having broad knowledge across multiple disciplines (the horizontal bar) to enhance creative problem-solving.

Creative Genius Toolkit

Learning Experience

Carefully designed to help you learn new concepts and apply them to your everyday work
PDF Guide

PDF Guide

Our PDF implementation guide provides comprehensive step-by-step instructions. Everything is clearly presented and explained, so you can run the process yourself with confidence.
Practical Tools

Practical Tools

The toolkit comes with several easy-to-use tools to guide you and your team. These step-by-step frameworks take participants through a process to help surface ideas, identify patterns, make connections and draw conclusions. We'll outline how to use each tool with clear, concise instructions.

Workshop Outline

Read about the content, activities and tools you'll experience in this session
Beginner's Mind

Beginner's Mind

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Big Idea

Big Idea

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Constraints are often the source of our best ideas. Think of Twitter's 140 character limit, or the 18 minute limit for TED Talks. We invite participants to write a list of all the constraints on a current project, then make them worse or introduce more severe constraints to force more radical, ambitious approaches. What new ideas does this provoke?
This technique offers a quick route to innovative suggestions. It challenges participants to be much more bold and groundbreaking than usual, in response to the unusually harsh constraints they are presented with.
Idea Collisions

Idea Collisions

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Many creative thinkers get their results by connecting existing concepts together to create something original. Here we try this systematically with ideas generated so far. How can the aspects of one idea merge with or be added to the aspects of another idea?
This technique always generates unique ideas, partly due to its random nature, and partly due to the necessary act of "colliding" several existing ideas together - something participants wouldn't normally do. The result is something new and original.


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It can be helpful to view creativity by looking at what some call the T-shaped person. Think of the vertical part of the T as the expertise most relevant to your job, i.e. law, or advertising, or rocket science. This is great, however to be more creative, consider focusing on the horizontal part of the T...
You might have started your career in a different industry, or you might have hobbies unrelated to the kinds of things you work on during the week. These diverse interests and experiences mean you can draw on different approaches to problems, and make unexpected connections.

Tools & Resources

You'll also receive extra items to help you in your work
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Measurement Factors

This assessment draws on these key indicators:
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Tools & Resources

You'll also receive extra items to help you in your work
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Great Value & Outcomes

Our approach is designed to provide tangible outcomes and results


We've been using the methods shared in this workshop for many years with organisations including American Express, ITV, Oracle, P&G and more. They're designed to be easy to learn and use.


Right from the start, we encourage you to use our methods on real projects, so you can see immediately how they can be used on a day-to-day basis. You'll be able to generate useful ideas quickly.


We guarantee that you'll leave the workshop with fresh ideas and approaches for your current work, that will enable you to make new headway and create tangible results.

Our Approach to Learning

We believe in practical learning through discussion, experience and reflection - with insights and tools you can apply straight away

💬 Discussion

The informality of our workshops enables participants to relax, express themselves freely and find common ground with others. This lends itself perfectly to idea generation by encouraging positive interactions and sharing.

💡 Experience

The approach is designed to be highly transformative, encouraging engagement and experimentation wherever possible. Participants make creative leaps and imagine the future, leading to insights and lightbulb moments.

🪞 Reflection

Participants learn valuable tools and achieve tangible outcomes by reflecting on what they have heard and experienced. This reflection aids recall and helps behaviours stick. Live feedback from peers takes this a step further.

Experience & Expertise

Trusted by the best

We’ve worked with a range of clients, from corporate household names to agencies, public sector bodies, universities, charities and startups.

Team Learning

Our workshops and toolkits are great for individuals, and great for teams and organisations too.

If you have a group who would benefit from these methods and tools, you can speak to us about making a bulk order or running a bespoke workshop for your team.

Benefits of learning with your team include:

  • Share experiences and compare approaches
  • Collaborate on projects and solve problems together
  • Build team spirit and shared ways of working
  • Benefit from group pricing and extra resources

Contact us to learn more.

Team Workshop

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